We are excited to announce a new update that includes two fantastic features: Appear Online and Disturbable. These options enable you to let your team know when you're available and to turn off Do Not Disturb at times of day when you don’t mind being disturbed.

Let your colleagues know you’re available and interruptable
Let your colleagues know you’re available and interruptable
Appear online, but enable Do Not Disturb
Appear online, but enable Do Not Disturb
Appear offline, but disturbable to still receive notifications and do not set a status (or remove one that is already set)
Appear offline, but disturbable to still receive notifications and do not set a status (or remove one that is already set)

These new features are available on all plans, including the free plan, and are another step in improving the way you manage your availability and your work/life balance.

Please note that in order to appear online, you need to have Slack or Microsoft Teams open, this is a restriction they add.

We hope that these new features make your workday more productive and enjoyable. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions to continue improving Don’t Interrupt.