Help & Support

When it comes to ways we can help you, there are a few options for you to choose. You can open a support ticket, use our live chat system, or email us.

help_center Support Ticket

Open a support ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Open a support ticket

support_agent Live Chat

Chat with us live and we'll help you out during normal working hours.

mail Email Us

Send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Email support

More resources

Some more resources that may help you
Discover how Don't Interrupt helps you achieve distraction-free focus time by managing your notifications and status on...
Discover how Don't Interrupt integrates with Slack and Microsoft Teams to automatically change your status during...
Learn how Don't Interrupt helps you stay focused during meetings by pausing notifications and updating your status on...
Easily manage your availability and ensure your status reverts back after meetings with Don't Interrupt.
Discover how to enhance your work-life balance with Don't Interrupt. Learn to automate your Slack and Microsoft Teams...
Every day, many professionals face an avalanche of notifications, messages, and alerts from team collaboration tools...
For professionals utilizing Microsoft Teams for collaboration, managing notifications and maintaining uninterrupted...