
Keep distractions at bay and boost your productivity. Start with a 14-day free trial for individuals and teams.
Yearly Save an extra 30%
Get started with the Basic Plan, offering fundamental tools to reduce interruptions and improve focus.
  • Up to 1 Slack/Teams account
  • Set your working hours
  • Sync 1 calendar
  • 1 calendar rule
  • 1 phrase per rule
  • Additional rule options
  • Remove status ad
  • Use custom emojis
  • Focus time calendar events
  • Out of office calendar events
  • Event notifications
  • Event overrides
  • Multiple schedules
  • Different schedules per account
Experience more powerful tools and ad-free usage with the Plus Plan, perfect for everyday productivity.
  • Up to 3 Slack/Teams accounts
  • Set your working hours
  • Sync up to 3 calendars
  • Up to 5 calendar rules
  • Up to 5 phrases per rule
  • Additional rule options
  • Remove ads
  • Use custom emojis
  • Focus time calendar events
  • Out of Office calendar events
  • Event notifications
  • Event overrides
  • Multiple schedules
  • Different schedules per account
For those needing ultimate flexibility and customization, the Pro Plan offers extensive features and multiple schedules.
  • Up to 10 Slack/Teams accounts
  • Set your working hours
  • Sync up to 10 calendars
  • Up to 20 calendar rules
  • Up to 10 phrases per rule
  • Additional rule options
  • Remove ads
  • Use custom emojis
  • Focus time calendar events
  • Out of Office calendar events
  • Event notifications
  • Event overrides
  • Multiple schedules
  • Different schedules per account